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NGC 1512 – Final Color-1

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NGC 1512 - Chile

NGC 1512 – Chile

This fascinating barred spiral has a number of interesting features. Note the wide swing out of the outer arm at the bottom – apparently a result of a near encounter with another large galaxy in the past. Additionally, NGC 1512 is currently absorbing the small (excited) galaxy to the top.

In the luminous, central region we can see the bright red “arteries” that are funneling gas and dust along the bar back to the core.

The distance to this galaxy is estimated at 38 million ly.

Planewave 12 1/2″ CDK Astrograph, with an ST11000 camera, Astrodon filters, and ASA-60 gearless mount. F/8 unguided LRGB (60/6min L, 10/6min each 2×2 RGB).