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NGC1291 – Final Color

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NGC1291 – Chile

An unusual galaxy. It lies about 31 million ly away and is classified as a barred spiral (SB) type. There are two bars in play here and they are not in sync. The inner white bar in the core is offset or twisted some from the colored one just beyond it. Apparently, the inner one has reached something called the Lindblad resonance where it can’t propagate itself further, while the outer arm is subject to other forces like the general rotation curve of the galaxy itself.

The outer ring displays very smooth, uniform structure.

PlaneWave 12.5″ Astrograph with an ST11000 camera, Astrodon filtres, and ASA gearless DDM-85 mount. F/8 LRGB (47/8min L, 8/8min each 2×2 RGB).