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NGC6744 - Chile

NGC6744 – Chile

Sometimes NGC 6744 is referred to as a “postcard” showing our own galaxy as seen from the distance of 30 million light years. It resides in the constellation of Pavo, the peacock. It is almost twice as large in diameter, but its barred structure and spiral arm design are relatively close to the what astronomers believe our own Milky Way looks like.

Note the companion galaxy on the top left, already distorted by its proximity to the giant galaxy, similar to the Magellanic Clouds.

Takahashi CCA-250 astrograph with an ST11000 camera, Astrodon filters, and ASA gearless DDM-60 mount. F/7.5 unguided LRGB (60/6 min L, 10/6 min 2×2 RGB).