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NGC1055 – Final Color

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NGC1055 - Chile

NGC1055 – Chile

This edge-on spiral in Cetus forms a pair with M77, and lies about 52 million ly away. It is quite large, with a diameter of about 116,000 ly across. It has a prominent nucleus, and its nearby spiral arm is elevated above the plane of the galaxy, which obscures some of the upper half of the central bulge. NGC1055 has an unusually high star forming activity underway inside it.

The 3 bright foreground stars cover a range of different star types. The yellow one is a G-5 (close to our sun), the light blue is an “F”. and the red one is probably an M. All 3 lie within 500 ly of us.

PlaneWave 12.5″ Astrograph, with an ST11000 camera, Astrodon filters, and ASA gearless DD-85 mount. F/8 LRGB (48/8min L, 8/8min each 2×2 RGB).