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NGC4435 – Final Color

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NGC4435 – Chile

Near the center of Markarian’s Chain of galaxies in Virgo lies this pair of interacting galaxies. NGC4438 is at the top and the smaller NGC4435 is in the center.

They are about 52 million ly away and about 100,000 ly apart. Amateur astronomers have nicknamed the pair “The Eyes”.

The larger NGC4438 displays a distorted appearance with long tidal tails due to the interaction with its smaller companion, and ram pressure due to its high speed of movement through the Virgo cluster. There is some debate about its source of energy – either starburst or driven by an active black hole in its center.

Their closest pass to each other took place about 100 million years ago.

PlaneWave 12.5″ Astrograph with an ST11000 camera, Astrodon filters, and ASAS gearless DDM-85 mount. F/8 LRGB (40/8min L, 8/8min 2×2 each RGB).